Student Ministries Mission Trips

Student Ministries Mission trips

Hey SOZO Students! Every year we go on a mission trip to be Kingdom Builders in our world. Through Kingdom Builders, Victory Family Church sends juniors and seniors in high school on an almost fully-funded mission trip each year. Check out this video from Pastor Ben below for more info:

More Info

The Dominican Republic 2025 Mission trip runs from July 26 – August 2, 2025. You can get more info and register by clicking the button below:


In August 2023, we took 22 students and leaders on a trip to the Dominican Republic. Our team was able to serve countless people through door-to-door ministry, serving at local orphanages, and running several Vacation Bible Schools. Our students were given the opportunity to preach and teach at churches and youth groups. They participated in serve projects including painting, cleaning, and building for the Hope for Hispaniola organization.

During their time in the Dominican, they were able to participate in a hair ministry at a local Batey and help families receive the care that they needed. A Batey is a modern form of slavery where workers are paid less than $2.00 for 12–14 hours of labor and they are forced to sleep on foam boards and live without electricity or running water. We saw countless people receive healing and experience the love of God.

Donate to a trip

Interested in reaching the world but don’t have the ability to join a trip? You can still help! Your prayers and financial support bring far greater impact than you could imagine.

To donate to a trip, just view our available trips, select the one you’re interested in supporting, and click the “CAN’T GO? GIVE!” button at the bottom of its description. If you’re donating to a specific participant, please be sure to indicate their full name in the comments section.