Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

We have some fun events weekends where your kids will have opportunities to invite others to church, connect with their leaders, and have fun at church! After the message, kids will enjoy these cool activities, challenges, or snacks with their leaders.

Bringing a friend to church? Well you can add them into the check in system ahead of time using our mobile check in process.

At the Movies graphic

At the Movies

September 8 – 29

This is a great series for your kids to invite friends to church to learn biblical principles through movies. Each Sunday we will be having special giveaways that go along with the movie that we are watching.

2yr. & 3 yr. olds: Goldfish and juice boxes
Preschool – 4th grade: Popcorn and juice boxes

September 8th

2yr-Kindergarten: Mini Bluey
1st-4th Grade: Garfield

September 15th

2yr-Kindergarten: Faceytalk
1st-4th Grade: Despicable Me 1

September 22nd

2yr-Kindergarten: Shadowlands
1st-4th Grade: Inside Out

September 29th

2yr-Kindergarten: Born Again
1st-4th Grade: Moana

Harvest Party

October 27 during Sunday services

Kids are encouraged to bring a friend and can come dressed up in a wholesome costume (no witches, vampires, or other scary/ bad characters) We will be having a special message so that kids can grow in their relationship with God. Each kid that comes (birth-4th grade & special needs) will receive a free admission ticket to Iron Mills along with their candy goodie bag!

This ticket is only good for October 27th between 2-6pm. Parent and older sibling tickets will be discounted ($18.95) when you present the free admission ticket that your kid received. Iron Mills is a great fall family activity event! Check out all of the cool things they have to offer at Iron Mills Farmstead. This is a great way to meet other Victory Families and to have fun at the same time!

Hear Me Sing!

This December our kids will be singing in the main service! More details to come soon.