Residency Program

Residency Program

The Victory Family Church Residency is a full-time leadership development program for emerging leaders who feel called to vocational church ministry. The length of residency is two years, providing you with many opportunities for growth in your leadership skills and in your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. The purpose of the residency is to ensure that you have the leadership capacity and abilities to effectively lead in the Local Church. You will be part of the staff at Victory, be immediately placed into leadership roles, and receive consistent evaluation and feedback from ministry leaders to ensure your development and growth.

Residency tracks


Administrative Assistant


Social Media

Dream Team/
Service Teams


Outreach and



Young Adults



Components of the Victory Residency Program

The spiritual growth and personal spiritual disciplines of the resident are primary focuses throughout the two-year program. Studies have shown that the stress and difficulties of vocational church ministry contribute to many failing to complete their ministry assignment. Numerous resources will be utilized to help ensure the resident develops the personal spiritual disciplines that contribute to longevity in ministry.
Residents are immediately placed into leadership roles and receive consistent evaluation, feedback, and coaching in their ministry responsibilities. Actual hands-on ministry experience in the local church is crucial to the resident’s development. The purpose is to ensure that residents have the leadership capacity and know-how to lead in the local church effectively and competently.
Formal evaluations occur each quarter and are crucial to the growth and development of each resident. Evaluations provide feedback to the resident, the department leader, and mentors about the resident and their growth. They also provide an opportunity for the resident to give feedback concerning the residency and any issues the resident may be experiencing. This allows the residency to focus on the areas of development, growth, and experience that most benefit the resident.
Each resident is assigned a personal mentor for the duration of the residency. The focus of this mentor relationship is personal development; it is about who the resident is, rather than what the resident does. If the resident is married, a marriage mentor is also assigned for the duration of the residency to ensure a solid marriage foundation to succeed in ministry. Mentors assign material to the resident, and this personal growth material is in addition to the other required residency material. The purpose of mentor relationships is to ensure that the resident is growing as a person and if applicable, in their marriage, during the residency.
Much of leading and leadership are skills that we learn by example. Residents will learn from the leadership of Victory Family Church and multiple other sources to increase their leadership knowledge and effectiveness. Residents will grow in self-leadership, organizational leadership, and relational leadership during their two-year residency. Evaluation and coaching will allow the resident to gain confidence in leading teams and individuals within the local church. The goal in Leadership Training and Development is to give practical feedback within their current assignments so the resident increases in their ministry competence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the residency?
The Residency is 2 years.
Is this a paid position?
Yes, this is a full-time temporary paid position.
Is housing provided?
No, but we will do everything we can to help you find affordable living.
When can I start the residency?
Residents can start in January or August.

Apply by:To start on:
May 12, 2025August 26, 2025
November 1, 2025January 20, 2026
What are the requirements to apply for the Residency Program?
  • Minimum of an associate degree, but the ideal candidate is a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Candidate’s degree does not have to be in a ministry-related area.
  • A record of tithing and giving offerings to their local church.
  • Must complete an Internship at Victory Family Church (6-month to 1-year) in their area of focus prior to applying for the Residency Program.
  • Strong history of serving within their local church and demonstrating leadership qualities within the ministry.
  • Has served in their area of ministry focus for at least one year prior to applying for the Residency.
  • The ideal candidate has completed at least one mission trip outside the U.S.
  • The candidate can clearly articulate a “calling” to full-time ministry.
I am looking into schooling prior to applying for the Residency Program. Do you have any recommendations?
Yes! Many options exist today that do not require you to relocate. Listed below are some recommendations for online degree programs. You are not required to attend one of these; they are options for you to consider.

* If you choose to attend one of these online schools, you can arrange to do your classes and study time at Victory Family Church – Cranberry Twp. Campus during office hours.
If I am currently working toward completing the requirements prior to applying for the Residency Program. Should I make someone at Victory aware?
Yes! Please make our Residency Program staff aware that you’re working toward applying for the Residency. We would love to build a relationship with you and help in any way that we can!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please email

Graduating Residents

These Residents are approaching the end of their program and are available for hire.


Cody McGuire - Worship

I often volunteered at church growing up, even interning during my last few years of high school. My time was split between serving on the Worship team and youth ministry. It wasn’t until God began stirring up a greater desire for Worship ministry that I realized I was stepping into a calling. After graduating from Southeastern University with my Bachelor’s in Ministerial Leadership, I spent most of my time in Worship ministry serving in young adult and middle school ministry.  

Beyond Worship, I have a passion for seeing people encounter God in everyday life. I believe that sharing the Gospel in our everyday places like work, the gym, or even the grocery store can be an everyday experience for us as we walk in faith. I am excited to be a part of a growing church and looking forward to being part of the developing Worship ministry here at Victory.

I look forward to connecting with you and answering any questions you may have! Email me at


Jordan Richmond - Students/Young Adults

God called me to be a Youth Pastor at 16, the day I gave my life to him. It made no sense to me at the time but I was passionately in love with Him, so I just obeyed.

Since then, I have been developing as a leader through serving two years in Victory’s Student and Young Adult Ministries Internship Program, and now in the Residency Program. I am being refined as a leader and in my character, and also becoming even more passionate for the next generation.

I currently Pastor the Middle School and High School students at Victory’s Meadville Campus. My desire is to see a generation bold and unafraid because they know their true value in Christ, to lead the next generation into all that God promises them, and to equip them to share that in a real way with others.

I look forward to connecting with you and answering any questions you may have! Email me at

Current Residents


Laura Adams - Worship

Jesus captured my heart when I was a little girl—my earliest memories involve me using the gift of music to offer a song of “First Love” from my heart to the King of kings. I’ve been blessed to spend the past two decades of my life ministering to 7th-12th grade students as a public-school music teacher while also bi-vocationally serving on and leading worship teams at area churches.

Over the past few years, the Lord began a stirring in my spirit, leading me out of the field of education and into full-time vocational church ministry. These promptings intensified over the past school year during which the Lord led me through a season of restoration, re-direction, and refinement. Once I received clarity from the Holy Spirit, I responded in obedience that required one of the biggest faith risks of my life—retiring early from teaching and simply waiting for Him to reveal my next step. The Lord simultaneously instructed me to “bloom and develop where He had planted me,” right here, at Victory Family Church, where I had been serving part-time as the New Castle Campus Worship Director for the past three years. Shortly after, the Holy Spirit spoke through one of our pastors who pointed me to the Residency program!

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and beyond excited to transition into this new season of growth and development in leadership, worship ministry, and most importantly, my personal walk with the Lord. Beyond that, my heart desperately burns for the souls of those who have struggled with their identity, especially people within the LGBTQ community, to experientially encounter the love of Jesus, receive the free gift of salvation through Him, know who they are in Christ and to live a life of true freedom and healing!


Kyler Brown - Students/Young Adults

From a young age I knew that I was called to full time ministry, even when I didn’t fully understand what that meant. I began taking any steps I could to serve more in the church. I began getting speaking opportunities when I was in 7th grade and I have been growing in that gift ever since.

In 9th grade I entered the Insight Internship, the high school internship, at Victory Family Church where I served for 3 years as a student and then in my 4th year, I assisted in leading the Internship. I realized my next step was to apply for the Residency Program to continue growing in my God-given gifts. 

I have been serving with the next generation for several years and I have a deep passion for helping the next generation know and walk with God. I’m excited to continue learning through this program! After the Residency I hope to pursue a full-time position working in youth ministry.


Sammy D'Alecy - Pastoral

My first 6 years of ministry I was a director of a college ministry at Penn State called Victory Christian Fellowship. I graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Cultural Anthropology in 2017 with a heart to walk out the great commission as described in Matthew 28. After graduation, I responded to God’s call on my life and went into full-time ministry.

From 2017-2023 I was a Campus Pastor for Victory Christian Fellowship, a college ministry faithfully serving the students of Penn State. In those years God showed me how to couple my degree, with my love of the Gospel, to reach the nations at Penn State! In that position I was part of cultivating a ministry where college students declare victory through Jesus, lordship to God, belief in the scriptures, and are empowered by the Holy Spirit. In the beginning of 2023, I felt God’s leading to step down from my position in order to pursue the next chapter He had for me. I found myself applying to the Residency Program at Victory Family Church!

I am so thankful to now be a Pastoral Resident and to learn how to best serve the needs of God’s people both physically and spiritually; learning under not only the Marriage ministry but also the Care & Discipleship ministry, Outreach ministry, Small Groups ministry, and the Service teams across Victory’s various campuses. I am driven by the desire to see the Kingdom of God expand! My heart is to win people to Christ, being the hands and feet of God wherever I go. Whether it is through directing a Care ministry, Pastoral Counseling, or wherever God has next, I say, “Here I am Lord send me”! 


Danielle Greene - Students/Young Adults

After giving my life to Jesus, I began to serve as a small group leader for middle school students. An unwavering desire to see students excel in their spiritual growth and introduce them to Jesus began to flourish within me. As time passed, I started volunteer assisting the student ministries department, immersing myself in every detail and coming alongside the team to lend a hand wherever it was needed. Helping others has become second nature to me.

After four years as a cosmetologist, I sensed a shift in my heart. My focus transitioned from perfecting my craft to connecting with the individuals in my chair and sharing Jesus with them. This led me to begin praying and fasting about going into full-time ministry. It was during this period that I felt peace and the Lord brought to my remembrance Matthew 25:14-29, emphasizing that the more I was faithful with little the more He would entrust to me. This was both honoring and humbling!

I eagerly applied for the Internship Program then the Residency Program. I am thankful and filled with anticipation for the opportunities and growth that are ahead during my time in the Residency Program!


Peyton Nearhoof - Service Production

I have had the privilege to serve in Service Production for many churches over the past 13 years. Each new experience pushed me towards a growing desire to work more in depth in ministry. During a gap year in 2020, a past youth leader encouraged me to consider joining the staff of the church I was attending in the role of a Production Lead. This role further cemented my desire to work in full time ministry and laid out God’s calling on my life. When my home church, Living Waters Church, was adopted by Victory Family Church in 2021, I was surrounded by people who equipped me to pursue my calling to ministry.

In 2021, I attended Grove City College to continue my college education in Music and Business. During that time, I began an Internship with a local church where I lead production for middle-school and high-school youth nights.

I was blessed to be able to work with a church production group this past year which again sparked my desire to grow more as a leader and ultimately led me to come back to Victory for the Residency Program. I am excited to continue growing in technical and spiritual aspects during my time in the Service Production track of the Residency Program.


Lexi Wilson - Worship

 Since I was little, I have always had a love for singing and music. I always wanted, and was encouraged by others, to join the worship team. It wasn’t until the fall of 2021 that I auditioned and joined our High School and Young Adult teams at Victory Family Church.

Once I began serving regularly, I began to feel called to take another stepped towards worship leading. Wanting to be obedient towards that calling, I applied for the Internship Program. God, in a way only He could, began to accelerate my growth and confidence as a worship leader. He soon after told me that He chose me to help lead people into His presence.

Towards the end of my Internship, I applied for the Residency Program here at Victory. I am very passionate about worship, love to see people who have a heart of worship, and who are gifted musically to step into the call on their lives and use their gifts to glorify God. I want to continue to help people step into that call and help develop them in their walk, on and off the platform. I am excited to learn and develop through this program to become the worship leader, and woman, God has designed and called me to be.