Daily Time with God title image

Daily Time with God

Next Steps

  1. Start your journey with Jesus today. Below you will find recommendations on a worship playlist, prayer guides, and suggested Daily Time with God devotions and resources.
  2. Start your day with Jesus. Use the 5-5-5 rule: 5 minutes of worship, 5 minutes of prayer, and 5 minutes in the Word of God. Do this for seven days and see how your life is transformed.

Worship Setlist

We are excited to be able to provide you with the names of the songs we adore, the names of the artists, and links so you can stream the songs to use in your worship throughout the week.


If you want to learn more about prayer or access the prayer tracks, click here.

Bible Reading and Devotions

Here are a few suggestions on where to start:

  1. The Gospel of John: This book will give you an understanding of who Jesus is and what His ministry is about. All the gospels are great, but John particularly focuses on who Jesus is rather than just what He did.
  2. Romans: This is a great place to start if you want to have a clear understanding of the Bible and why Jesus came to die for our sins.
  3. Proverbs: The book of Proverbs is jam-packed with wisdom. It’s a great place to start if you want practical direction on how to live out the Christian life. Another benefit of Proverbs is that there are 31 Proverbs, so you can read one a day (two on the last day if there are only 30 days in the month).
  4. New Testament in a Year reading plan (downloadable PDF)
  5. YouVersion Bible App suggested plans

Join a Knowing God Small group

We believe that in order to know God fully, you have to be in community with His people. The Knowing God small group was designed to help you grow in your personal walk with God alongside other believers. It’s our hope that through this small group, you will know God in a greater way.

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