Dream Team Development Guide

Dream Team Development Guide

At Victory we value development. As a Dream Team member, we know you serve at the church to make an impact on others for Jesus. We in turn want to continually invest in you! Our desire is to see everyone grow and develop into the disciple and leader God has called you to be.

Each month we’ll have a video teaching on a spiritual or leadership topic that corresponds to one of our values at the church. It’s an intentional and consistent way we can all grow together. That teaching will be done by one of our pastors or staff members. We’ll also be including a one-page written summary of the topic with discussion questions that we would like you to discuss with the team that you serve on. There will also be a “growing deeper” section that will include other video teachings from different pastors and leaders. This section is optional, but we encourage you to listen to one of the videos on a weekly basis.

We love and appreciate you all very much!

There is no development guide for July

Previous Topics

December 2023 – No development guide

July 2023 – No development guide

May 2023 – Running to Win

December 2022 – No development guide

May 2022 – Join the Family

This month’s Development Guide highlights the Join the Family process, and only includes a video describing the process.

Video teaching